About Us

Meet the Team

Mary Salloom


Sarah Link

Operations Manager
Senior Accountant

Jeannie Ng

Tax Manager
Senior Accountant

Katie Maier

Accounting Manager
Senior Accountant

Tara Wood

Client Advisory Manager
Senior Accountant

Michael Sprague

Tax Specialist
Senior Accountant

Steve Sickmen

Payroll Manager

Andrea Reyes

Payroll Specialist

Lance DeMello

Payroll Specialist
Accounting Assistant

Suzette Brizuela

Payroll Specialist

Jane Robinson

Payroll Specialist

Romana Fay

Business Development

We're Here to Help

At every stage of your financial life, CAS can help you. With over 30 years of experience, the professionals at CAS serve as your financial guide, helping you achieve your goals.

Our mission: The best service. Clients are energized by the help they get from our staff. This is one reason clients like you come to us, and this the reason you stay.

We tailor services to meet your ongoing business needs. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ service at CAS.

With the assistance of CAS, you’ll find these tasks easier to accomplish:

  • Keeping your taxes at a minimum;
  • Satisfying record keeping and return filing requirements;
  • Streamlining your payroll routine;
    Using financial reports to make sound business decisions;
  • Achieving maximum success and profitability; and
  • Planning for a comfortable retirement.

Let us assist you in your tax, accounting, and payroll needs. Call to speak with one of our accountants today.

Let Us Help:

Dear Friend,

It’s one thing to manage a business; it’s quite another to grow it.

If you’re reading this, you know what I’m talking about.

It seems like the books are being handled properly. It seems like payroll is (mostly?) under control. It seems like the IRS is okay with how we’re handling our taxes. It seems like the financial reporting is in place.

We’re flush … most of the time. But we’re certainly not growing. We’re not prospering.

What are we missing?

This is a common story that we hear when we first start talking to business owners. The boxes are checked; the people are in place … but the fact is, they’re not quite sure how to optimize the financials for performance and growth.

Our specialty is in reading between the lines of the systems, the softwares, and the financial statements to see the true financial story being told … even when the reports all “seem” okay (for now).

The fact is that the Federal Government would love to have more of your business’s hard-earned money in their accounts. Your employees probably don’t care about cost control as much as they should. Your sales team might need to focus their efforts in a new direction.

But you don’t have to hand more dollars over to the government than they require just because you don’t know their rules as well as they do. You don’t have to live in a constant state of anxiety over the state of your books. The future of your business doesn’t have to be a question mark.

Let’s get a real-time reading on your business’s financial health with our bookkeeping services. Answer a few questions below to get started.

Click the button above to take your first step, and we’ll be in touch soon to follow up about your specific needs.

And of course, feel free to poke around our site and discover why we’ve been called “The Most Trusted Tax Professional in the Montgomery County and Tri-state Area.”

Talk again soon,
Mary Salloom

PS — When you fill out the form, we’ll also add you to our weekly email series on “Real World” Strategy for small business owners. Our readers enthusiastically forward these to their colleagues and peers all the time because they’re not your standard “bookkeeping tips.”

PPS — Already want to come in? I don’t blame you … many people are fed up with trying to manage their books and financials on their own. We like to meet with our clients often and regularly, so call us at 301-354-4000 or Email Us and we'll give you two options for coming in right away. We will NOT make dealing with a business advisor as painful as dealing with your books has already been!

Customer Stories

Robert M.

Maecenas porttitor feugiat sem non euismod. Integer placerat faucibus est eget convallis. Morbi faucibus lorem non neque condimentum, sed venenatis neque sagittis. Aliquam vulputate hendrerit erat non hendrerit. Maecenas sollicitudin quam a dolor aliquet commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus quam velit, pretium fringilla lorem id, fringilla sagittis quam. Pellentesque eget ante non quam iaculis posuere. Integer justo nisl, porta at viverra eu, varius nec ante. Nam sollicitudin vestibulum orci at feugiat.

Jane W.

Phasellus lacinia urna volutpat diam finibus, id sagittis lorem euismod. Aenean mattis quam eleifend, viverra elit cursus, molestie libero. Suspendisse et molestie massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas iaculis volutpat pulvinar. Maecenas et lectus ut nisl rutrum accumsan. Praesent lacinia urna posuere gravida volutpat. Aenean vel pulvinar justo, a fermentum ante.

Jon C.

Donec eu dolor nunc. Cras sed bibendum ipsum. Ut tempor felis rutrum dui facilisis condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sit amet libero in nunc semper interdum at vel ligula. Duis eleifend urna et ante dignissim, id sodales eros pellentesque. Donec interdum euismod hendrerit.

Jon S.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed condimentum leo neque, a suscipit dolor faucibus semper. Mauris lacus lorem, ultricies nec ultricies et, varius eu eros. Maecenas nec metus enim. Donec eu dolor nunc. Cras sed bibendum ipsum. Ut tempor felis rutrum dui facilisis condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed sit amet libero in nunc semper interdum at vel ligula. Duis eleifend urna et ante dignissim, id sodales eros pellentesque. Donec interdum euismod hendrerit.

Person O.

Donec fermentum velit vel ultricies sodales. Fusce quis tellus semper, pretium nisi vel, aliquam metus. Quisque lacus leo, dignissim id diam eget, molestie blandit odio. Phasellus interdum quam at lectus sodales, non congue enim luctus. Phasellus sed augue interdum leo sagittis laoreet. Integer turpis dui, sagittis vitae gravida eu, lacinia sed nunc. Etiam eu iaculis dui. Nunc congue eros sit amet rutrum maximus.